Free Flippingbook3D Maker
Create 3D page flipping book from Text file with total free!
Free Flippingbook3D Maker is 100% freeware that offers user powerful functions to convert Text files to page flip flash book, magazine, catalog, report, and brochures without any convert fee. The wonderful software is easy to operate. When you load Text file form you computer, it will automatically preserve all the content of your text file without any data loss.
- Why Use?
- Screenshots
- How It Works
Use Free Flippingbook3D Maker, you can:
- Save lots of money;
- Create 3D book with realistic page flipping effect;
- Control download, print, fullscreen, autoplay;
- Email share & Social Share;
- Mobile devices support.
Totally free to use
Free Flippingbook3D Maker is 100% free software that allows you to convert popular Text files to 3D page flipping book. You can directly download the full version to use without ordering or registering, no other fee either.
Realistic 3D page-flipping effect
Free Flippingbook3D Maker is wonderful software to convert your Text file to a realistic eBook with 3D page-flipping effect. The eBook readers can drag page corner to flip the book page as flip actual book in hands.
Control Download, Print, Fullscreen and other features
While using the Free Flippingbook 3D Maker, you can enable different features in your eBook, like download, print, auto play, full screen, and so on. You can also disable the features as you want in template design part.
Email Share &Social Share
After completing conversion, you can publishe your created 3D flipping book online for readers to view on PC, Mac and mobile devices. And all readers can easily share the flash flipbook with others by clicking the "email" or "social share" button on toolbar.
Mobile Device Support